The Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians promotes the sexual health of individuals, couples, families, and communities by advocating for culturally sensitive research, informed clinical practice, and culturally sensitive educational curricula. The organization seeks to foster ongoing dialogue in an effort to reduce and or prevent adverse sexual health outcomes. As a welcoming and affirming organization, we advocate for sexual, racial, and gender equality.



The Association of Black Sexologists and Clinicians will change or enhance the way you think about intersectionality. In addition, we strive to offer research, clinical, and educational opportunities that revolve around sexuality and race. We seek to empower our community by engaging, informing, dialoguing, learning and collaborating about sexual health issues.


  • Build and sustain Black professional community involvement in the field of human sexuality and mental health.
  • Engage in ongoing formal and informal dialogue about social and sexual health issues that affect persons of African descent and those who serve this unique population.
  • Develop and support prevention, educational, and clinical response systems that reduce the prevalence of sexual health disparities.
  • Create regional, national, and international linkages for members.
  • Serve as a resource for research, educational, and clinical mental health initiatives.